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Welcome Back Preschool and Kindergarten Students


Dear Topeka Public Schools Family,

This week is the first full week of school for our early learners. They have successfully transitioned into school, bus routes have been finalized for all students, and we are looking forward to seeing our secondary and elementary students next week. Our Parent Academy workshops have started this week to ensure we begin offering training sessions on our technology platforms. Additionally, schools are hosting Parent Academy sessions for their respective schools as needs arise in various areas. Jardine Elementary is hosting a Parent Academy focused on math assignments, assessments and new tools and techniques for K-2 and a second session is offered on Thursday nights for 3-5. We encourage families to contact their principal if there are any needs and schools stand ready to assist as we work together to successfully transition students back to school. We do believe most of our students learn best in a classroom with a teacher and we are working to ensure that happens for all students in ways that are safe for everyone.   October is National Principals Month, please take time to celebrate your child's principal. This is an unusual year that has required principals and teachers to plan in new ways. School-level leaders are juggling more now than they have been faced with in the past and we thank them for guiding hundreds of staff members as we navigate this new season of change.  Thank you for your support and cooperation.

Dr. Tiffany Anderson


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