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Graduation Weekend is Here!

Communications Team

Dear Topeka Public Schools Family,

Pictured above are some of our preschool graduates. We want all students starting out in preschool to envision their future high school and college graduation ceremonies. While I cannot attend all of the preschool ceremonies, I am attending several and some of the photos from each ceremony will be posted on the school's web page and some school highlight videos are on our district cable channel.

This week there are events throughout Topeka in honor of the Brown v. Board legislation and its impact. We encourage our families to attend one of the Brown v. Board sponsored events with their family. The complete list of events can be viewed in the article within this newsletter. 

We are excited about the high school graduation ceremonies and we look forward to seeing all of our families there. We began a tradition my first year of requiring all elementary and middle school leaders to attend the high school graduation and it has grown to include many members from the elementary and middle school teams. The TPS family looks forward to the celebration Saturday which will be live streamed and placed on our cable channel after the ceremony as well.

This year every high school gained over one million dollars in scholarships for students. We are so proud of our scholars.

Thank you for making the year such a success. 

Dr. Tiffany Anderson


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