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$600,000 Grant Will Provide Internet to TPS Families


Updated: Oct 21, 2020

Dear Topeka Public Schools Family,

Our District Citizens Advisory Council (DCAC) met this week and the picture above highlights our DCAC parents listening to Mr. Stanley Adams, Director of Broadband from the Kansas Department of Commerce. Mr. Adams announced his grant award to us of $600,000 to fund the cost of Cox internet services for qualifying families this semester. We thank our DCAC parents for their advocacy. We especially thank Deputy Superintendent Larry Robbins, Mr. Gary Menke, our Finance General Director and Mr. Scott Gowan, our Chief Information Officer, for writing and submitting that grant for $600,000 to support funding internet services for families this first semester. The grant allows the district to assist parents with funding internet services through Cox to enable students to have improved internet connections. Broadband remains a top priority and we will continue to advocate for that as we also work to support all families with internet needs as much as possible.  This week, our secondary scholars returned and they now have daily access to in-person services. Students must make an appointment to attend in-person on Wednesday, unless their teacher has scheduled a class lab or project at the school with them on Wednesday. However, all students are able to access in-person counseling, remote or in-person academic support, college planning and engage with in-person instruction. We will continue to do all we can to support as much in-person learning as possible. If you have a college degree and an interest in substituting, please contact Brandy Griego at 785-295-3032 or Nancy McCarter at 785-295-3098.

Thank you for your continued support,

Dr. Tiffany Anderson


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