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A Week of Celebration and Recognition

Communications Team

Dear Topeka Public Schools Family,

This week we are celebrating all of our educators for Teacher, Nurse and Cafeteria Appreciation Week! We encourage all of our families to take time to thank an educator this week for their dedication. We include all of our staff as a part of recognition week. 

This month we are hosting various promotional events at every school. In 2017 we started a new tradition for all of our elementary and middle school leaders to attend the high school graduation ceremony. We are all excited to see our high school scholars at graduation on Saturday, May 18th. This week the College Prep Academy welcomed the new incoming class for next year and they held their promotion ceremony. Pictured above are the College Prep Academy students visiting UMKC and Rockhurst. 

Preliminary KAP state test scores have been returned this week and once they are finalized, they will be shared. The preliminary results show an increase in scores across the district for a third consecutive year.

Although state test scores are still preliminary, several elementary teachers demonstrated significant student growth and they have the majority of their students proficient and advanced resulting in their classroom performing above the state average. We commend all of our teachers on the continued academic growth and we will be sharing more highlights in next week's Community Newsletter. We are also especially proud this year to have a Gates Scholar and we also have a student who achieved a perfect score on the ACT and many students who earned above a 32. 

The final newsletter with end of year and summer updates for the school year will be distributed next Wednesday. 

Thank you to all of our families for the continued support resulting in our academic success.  

Dr. Tiffany Anderson


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